Universal language for local erases (2023)

The series takes as its starting point the document of the same name, “Atlas of Brazil”, published in 1959 by the IBGE to commemorate the anniversary of the government of then president Juscelino Kubitschek, founder of Brasilia. As well as an introduction with a map of Brazil’s territorial expansion, highlighting the Treaty of Tordesillas, the atlas contains a set of maps of the country with different data such as population, value of regional production, production and occurrence of minerals, internal migration, production and consumption of electricity, among others.
“Atlas of Brazil” is a series of drawings made in India ink, a material common to technical drawing boards. Each drawing proposes the superimposition of different maps of Brazil, mixing and confusing a series of informative graphics and geographical references. The series includes maps from the 1959 Atlas of Brazil, as well as maps from other historical periods, highlighting how different maps are correlated by the same perspective of reading the territory.