Talles Lopes is an artist and architect graduated from the State University of Goiás (UEG). He lives and works in Anápolis, a city in the interior of the state of Goiás located between Goiânia and Brasília, two modern cities planned by the Brazilian state in the 20th century to boost the advance of agricultural frontiers and recolonize the country’s interior.

The artist has participated in shows such as the 12th International Biennale of Architecture of São Paulo at CCSP - Centro Cultural São Paulo (2019), the exhibition “Brazilian Histories” (2022) at MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo, as well as the show “Concretos” (2022) at TEA - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (Spain). More recently she was resident artist at the studio El Despacho in Tenerife (2021) and at the Delfina Foundation in London (2022).

Based on research and revision of historical archives, the artist has been dedicated to investigating the colonial legacies present in the narratives of modernity and development in Brazil. Such interest has been guiding his research on the selfcolonialist logic structured by Brazil over its own territory throughout the 20th century until today, a logic often legitimized by the discourses of modernization of the country.

Thus, the artist has been interested in investigating how design and architecture, used as symbols and instruments of developmentalist narratives, often associated with ideals of high culture and sophistication, are historically correlated with extractivist practices and discourses of ethnic-cultural supremacy that guided such neo-colonial projects of supposed modernisation in Brazil and other contexts of the global south.


Watermill Center (2024)
New York. USA.

IPA - Institute for Public Architecture. (2023)
2023 Fall Independent Projects Residency.
New York City. USA.

Proyecto URRA. (2023)
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Delfina Foundation. (2022)
London. UK.

Taller El Despacho. (2021)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias. Spain.


Nominated for the Pipa Prize. (2024).
PIPA Institute, Brazil.

Nominated for the Pipa Prize. (2022).
PIPA Institute, Brazil.
7th EDP Foundation Award. (2020) 
Tomie Ohtake Institute. São Paulo. Brazil.
45th Luiz Sacilotto Contemporary Art Salon. (2017). 
Santo André. Brazil.

22nd Salon of Art of Anapolis. (2016).
Antonio Sibasolly Art Gallery. Anápolis. Brazil.


The other of the other. (2023)
IPA - Institute for Public Architecture.
Governors Island. New York.
Ni siquiera he ido a Río (2021).
Taller El Despacho.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias. Spain.

Excedente Monumental (2021).
MAPA - Museum of Fine Arts of Anapolis. Brazil.
Colonial Oasis (2021).
Kubik Gallery. São Paulo, Brazil.



COSMOS - Other Cartographies. Nara Roesler. São Paulo, Brazil.


Brasilia, the art of the plateau. National Museum of the Republic. Brasília, Brazil.

The center is the insurgent west. Cerrado Gallery. Brasília, Brazil. 

Brasilia, the art of democracy. Getúlio Vargas Art Foundation - FGV Art. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
New Acquisitions: Central West Collection. Antonio Sibasolly Gallery. Anápolis, Brazil.


Whispers from the south. LAMB Gallery. London.
Essas pessoas na sala de jantar. Eva Klabin House-Museum. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
Refundação. Ocupação 9 de Julho - Reocupa Gallery. São Paulo. 
Dos Brasis: Black Art, Black Thinking. SESC Belenzinho. São Paulo.

Abrir Horizontes (Opening horizons)Octo Marques Cultural Center. Goiânia.
Improbable Architectures. Aura Gallery. São Paulo.
Proto-tipo. Idea!Zarvos Gallery. São Paulo.
Concretos. MUSAC - Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León. León, Spain.


Brazilian Histories. MASP - Museum of Art of São Paulo. São Paulo.
Concretos. TEA - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands. Spain.
National Art Salon of Goiás. MAC GO - Museum of Contemporary Art of Goiás. goiânia.
Contar o tempo (Counting Time). Maria Antonia University Center. USP - University of São Paulo. São Paulo.
Conversations: resistance and convergence. MAC GO - Contemporary Art Museum of Goiás. Goiânia.


 Terra, céu e luz (Earth, sky and light). Online platform. Goiânia.
Conversations: resistance and convergence. The House of Eleven Windows. Belém.
New Acquisitions: Anápolis Artists Collection. Antonio Sibasolly Art Gallery. Anápolis.


EDP Art Award - 7th edition. Tomie Ohtake Institute. São Paulo.
Conjunto de afetos: Divino Sobral Collection. Nazareno Confaloni and Sebastião dos Reis Galleries. Goiânia


XII BIA - International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo. CCSP - São Paulo Cultural Center. São Paulo.
The Mostra de Arte da Juventude (MAJ - Youth Art Show). SESC Ribeirão Preto. Ribeirão Preto.
44st Salon of Art of Ribeirão Preto. MARP - Museum of Art of Ribeirão Preto. Ribeirão Preto.
VAIVÉM/To-and-fro. CCBB - Bank of Brazil Cultural Center. São Paulo, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte.


A body on the air ready to make some noise. MAC GO - Contemporary Art Museum of Goiás. Goiânia.
Percursos. MAG - Goiania Art Museum. Goiânia.
Dialetos II. CCSP - São Paulo Cultural Center. São Paulo.
Dialetos II. Museum of Fine Arts of Anapolis (MAPA). Anápolis.


Bordes of painting, borders of illusion. Post Office National Museum. Brasília.
42nd SARP - Salon of Art of Ribeirão Preto. MARP - Museum of Art of Ribeirão Preto. Ribeirão Preto.
45th Luiz Sacilotto Salon of Contemporary Art. Santo André.


Convergence point. Antonio Sibasolly Art Gallery. Anápolis.
22nd Salon of Art of Anapolis. Antonio Sibasolly Art Gallery. Anápolis.
About what anybody can see now. R3 Gabinete de Arte. Goiânia.


Urban Hinterland. Potrich Gallery. Goiânia.
21st Salon of Art of Anápolis. Antonio Sibasolly Art Gallery. Anápolis.
22nd SESI Award. Frei Nazareno Confaloni Gallery. Goiânia.
TEIA. Antonio Sibasolly Art Gallery. Anápolis.
Strict. Museum of History of the Girona. Espain.