Divino Sobral. Cerrado Gallery. 2024.
Acclimatized Landscape / Paisagem aclimatada
Paulo Tavares. Cerrado Gallery. 2024.
Form Free Border / Forma Livre Fronteira
Alice Heeren. ARTS journal. 2023.
The Many Lives of Oscar Niemeyer’s Column: The Legacy of Brasília, Coloniality, and Heritage in the Works of Lais Myrrha and Talles Lopes
Laura Vallés Vílchez. Delfina Foundation. 2022.
Regimes of representation: interrogation and subversion.
Mateus Nunes. Select Maganize. 2022.
Brazil Builds and the possibility of a tropical modernism.
Charlene Cabral. USP (University of São Paulo). 2022.
Contar o tempo (Counting Time) exhibition.
Divino Sobral. MAPA (Museum of Plastic Arts of Anápolis). 2021.
Space, history, cartography and architecture in the work of Talles Lopes
Dora Longo Bahia. Tomie Ohtake Institute. 2020.
7th EDP Foundation Awards
Artist texts
Engolindo o Velho Mundo.
Talles Lopes .
Unraveling the colonial narratives of Brazilian modernist architecture in New York: “The other of the other”.
Talles Lopes.